Saturday, September 26, 2009

LK Assignment

1/9/09 (tuesday)

Today PA paper2 make me headache.When i saw the word sejauh manakah then i fell panic =.=''
I really do not know why they do not want to give us a clear instruction....they wanna to test our knowledge or wan to test my luck....sad....

2/9/09 ( wednesday)

i hope that my math 2 can get a better score,so that i can pass my math...i always get awful result in this subject...i really disappointed

3/9/09 (thursday) a very funny incident was happen. before the ekon 2 exam start, pau lee told me got some stationery on her table but do not know is whos wan...but we cannot do anything coz the exam was stared o we think maybe later someone will come to ask for it...after the exam finally we know who was the owner and she is our friend too....then we fell very curius how can she done her exam without stationery...

4/9/09 (friday)

finally 1 week exam was finish..then i can rest a while...this week exam really very very heavy...but next week i still can rest few day...but tomorrow still have to go to school..i wonder why our school wan to choose exam week to make up the miss class...

5/9/09 (saturday)

haha...i think my ear have some problem i cannot hear what the radio talking about...i think for me band 4 is mission impossible...

6/9/09 (sunday)

why the happy time past through so fast ...i haven't rest enough then already exam again... when i look at my brother keep on play on9 game i feel vary jealousy...

7/9/09 (monday)

tomorrow finally no exam for my class...haha...this is first time we can see other exam ...hehe..

8/9/09 (tuesday)

MUET MPM exam is a time to test our luck....just simply not know how to do then just "tambak" haha...

10/9/09 (wednesday)

tomorrow math again ...can i drop this subject? yes. If u do not study U6a ...then what can we