Monday, July 20, 2009

Who is in charge?

Bill and Hilary were driving through Little Rock, and when they passed by a gas station a big man yelled 'Hi Hilary' and Hilary said 'Hi Bubba'.

Bill asked 'who was that?' And Hilary told him it was an old high school boyfriend. Bill said, 'See if you married him you would be married to a gas station attendant, but you married me now you're the first lady.'

  And Hilary told him, 'If I married him he would be the president, and you would be the gas station attendant.'

Key words

Little Rock 阿肯色州的首府,柯林頓曾任州長

If only life could be like a computer

If only life could be like a computer!  假如生活像台電腦

If you messed up your life, you could press "Ctrl, Alt, Delete" and start all over! 當生活一團糟時,按下"Ctrl, Alt, Delete"一切可重啟!

To get your daily exercise, just click on "run"! 每天做運動,只要輸入"run"!

If you needed a break from life, press on pause key. 想歇一歇,按pause鍵。

Hit "any key" to continue life when ready. 準備就緒時按"任何健"即繼續。

To get even with the neighbors, turn up the volume. 想向鄰居報復時提高喇叭的音量。

To add/remove someone in your life, click settings in control panel. 在控制台作設定,可於生活中增加或移除某人。

To improve your appearance, just adjust the display settings. 想改善你的外觀,只要調整顯示設定。

If life gets too noisy, turn off the speakers. 如果周圍太吵耳,就關掉喇叭。

When you lose your car keys, click on find. 遺失車匙,按下find幫你忙。

"Help" with the chores is just a click away. 生活雜務按"Help"便搞掂。

Auto insurance wouldn't be necessary. You would use your diskette to recover from a crash. 車保也省了,一隻磁碟足以把撞毀的車復原。

And, we could click on "SEND NOW" and a Pizza would be on it's way to YOU... 同時,按下"SEND NOW"一個比薩餅將會送到我們手中。